We are Abbe and Erin welcome to our podcast Living Your Best Life. We believe that every person has the potential to create a life full of passion and purpose. We want to inspire and support you in your journey to unlocking your best self. ‘Here’s to living your best life’.

Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
We have spoken in previous episodes about how to manage fear when it comes to chasing THAT DREAM… but I guess we wanted to look at this topic from a business perspective. We find the issue of taking risk comes up a lot when we are working one on one with our clients. Sometimes we all just need that reassurance and that push to get us feeling confident enough to start a new project… to change out of job, leave a relationship and/or take that next step in business!
We understand that some element of risk is necessary in life - so I guess how do we know when to take that leap when there is no guarantee of finding our feet - what do we do once we have taken that leap and are left in the void of the unknown and unfamiliar? We all want something different out of 2021, right? So how do we make that courageous first step away from our fears and towards creating change for ourselves and in business?
Head to our Instagram: _livingyourbestlife
Website: https://www.livingyourbest.com.au/

Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Living Your Best Life - Episode 27 | How to structure your day for success |
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
This is something we get asked about frequently. How do you guys achieve so much? What do your days look like etc etc? Yes we are our own bosses which comes with great perks and the flexibility to be able to create schedules that work for us.. However it also makes us so much more accountable to be productive and take ownership about how we set routine up so we are being efficient with our time but also allowing us to clock off and give ourselves sacred time and space with our loved ones to balance out the computer time.
We are going to chat about some things that we have learnt and what works for us, but we understand that this will resonate differently to you all - so take what resonates with you and we hope to give you enough information to then get excited about creating some great routines for yourself!
Head to: Our instagram _livingyourbestlife
Website: https://www.livingyourbest.com.au/

Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Living Your Best Life - Episode 26| How to be a boss in your own business |
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
We see a lot of business owners feel very snowed under in their day to day tasks or feel disempowered when making decisions for the benefit of their businesses. They sometimes feel like they don’t have control or the power to decide what is right for them and/or their employees. We wanted to discuss this topic on our podcast as a means to motivate business owners to really take charge of their vision and purpose within their business and not feel like the business is running them.
So how do you make your business work for you? Why did you create your business in the first place? What changes can you make today that are going to move you into a position where you feel safe and empowered to lead a team and vision through 2021 and beyond.
Wanting clarity around the purpose of your business then check out our online course https://www.livingyourbest.com.au/
Follow us at Head Quarters on instagram: _livingyourbestlife

Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Living Your Best Life - Episode 25 | How authenticity leads to success |
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Ashlee Pennell a Gold Coast fashion designer, founder and innovator behind the brand Seagull discusses how to stay authentic to who you are when creating a brand and fashion label. This lady brings such a classy flare when it comes to raising her family and discusses how after having her children, she has made a comeback to her passion for fashion and created the luxury, eclectic aesthetes label so unique to what inspires her.
We can’t wait to share with you all the juicy details of her new website and clothing launch, plus how you can get your hands on this incredible line of Australian made coastal garments that will last you a lifetime.
To follow Seagull on Instagram: @seagullclothing_
Facebook: @seagullclothingaustralia
Website: www.seagullclothing.com.au/
Head to: _livingyourbestlife
Website: https://www.livingyourbest.com.au/

Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Living Your Best Life - Episode 24 | Power of Purpose |
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Most of us strive towards having some kind of purpose in life - and this looks different to everyone!
Just like the concept of Living Your Best Life is meaningful to people in different ways….. Which is what is so amazing about this podcast is the difference in perspective on what living your best life means to a person is what is so inspiring to us all.
If you are wanting to know more about how to live in alignment with your true purpose then this episode is not to be missed.
We are so excited to share this conversation with you on a topic that we are super passionate about. We are big believers of everyone deserving to live out a life FULL of PASSION and PURPOSE
Wanting to know how to turn PASSION into PROFIT then make the most of this limited discount offer and GET STARTED!
https://www.livingyourbest.com.au/letsgo (normally $229.00 for our listeners ONLY $89.00)
Follow us at Head Quarters on instagram: _livingyourbestlife
Website: https://www.livingyourbest.com.au/

Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Living Your Best Life - Episode 23 | Unleashing the power within |
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
This episode is nothing but transcendent.
Abbe and Erin join Jessica Feeney, an incredible mother, business owner and now passionate advocate.
This episode touched us dearly, we felt very privileged to have spent some time with Jessica to hear her story on how she created business success for herself with her brand Swaggies, and how as a new mum completed a university degree whilst supporting her incredible family. She discusses with us her recent tragic loss of her little girl, Luna and the impact this has had on her life.
A powerful discussion on grief, perspective, values and how when facing the hardest days of our lives we have the ability to access the power within ourselves to move forward towards a new day.
Jessica’s drive and willingness to question how we deal and talk about grief is nothing but awe inspiring. There is always a silver lining and we can’t wait to share with you some incredible initiatives Jess is leading with some exciting announcements on the Luna Capri Foundation launch.
There is so much to take away from this episode, we hope you enjoy!
Much love,
Abbe and Erin X
Follow Jessica on instragram jessicafeeney
Her business Swaggies on Instagram swaggies_au
Luna Capri Foundation on Instagram lunacaprifoundation
Follow Living Your Best Life on Instagram _livingyourbestlife
Website livingyourbest.com.au

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
22. Living Your Best Life - Episode 22 | How to back yourself in pursuit of your dream
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Riana gained fame when joining as a host and reporter for the V8 Supercar television team and was not only a superstar on pitlane alongside Mark Larkham and Greg Murphy but is also a woman who loves a challenge especially when it comes to her fitness and health.
This lady is never short on motivation and self-belief when in the pursuit of a dream and goal and this positive mindset has seen her trailblazing her way both on and off the race track.
We had such a blast discussing all things motivation, self-belief, how to hold the faith when times get tuff, creating daily habits towards taking inspired action, having a go and saying YES to opportunity. This episode is jammed packed full of juicy tips and examples of how to take ownership of your dreams and how to support yourself throughout the journey.
For a little hump day motivation join us in this epic conversation to discover how staying true to yourself will align you with the right opportunities.
Head to our Instagram _livingyourbestlife
Riana Crehan Instagram rianacrehan

Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Living Your Best Life - Episode 21 | How to get motivated
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Did you know that by getting super clear on what you want you can literally design your life?
We know that motivation only gets us so far, so how do we step up from what 2020 gave us and move forward with an excited enthusiasm for the year ahead?
We share with you our vision for 2021 and some fun creative ways to set some new goals. On this episode we discuss some fun tips and tricks we use when vision boarding and also some spooky successes, we have had using vision boards - proof that they do work!
We discuss how creating this clear vision for yourself and your business is super important and how assessing and evaluating your vision, mission and values will assist in setting yourself and your business up for success - whilst having fun in the process.
If you want 2021 to be full of potential and you want to be creating a life that is meaningful to you…. then this one is not to be missed.
Instagram _livingyourbestlife
Website https://www.livingyourbest.com.au/

Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
How to move past fear that’s blocking your success
Do you let fear hold you back when pursuing your best life?
We hear from so many of our clients that what is holding them back the most is fear. Fear can come to us in many different ways, anxiety, imposter syndrome, doubting ourselves, negative self-talk and the lack of confidence to strive towards our dreams.
In this episode we discuss this important issue and ways we have had success with working with clients and young people to help shift their perspective on fear. We encourage you to move fear out of the driver’s seat and into the back seat of the car.
This episode has tips on how to move towards fear in a healthy way and unlock some hidden blocks you may have that may be impacting your road to success.
Head to our Instagram _livingyourbestlife
Head to: www.livingyourbest.com.au/letsgo

Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Living Your Best Life - Episode 19 | How to develop and grow your brand
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Wanting to start and grow your business and brand but unsure of where to get started?
In this episode, we go into a conversation about everything branding and how effective branding can have a positive impact on the overall success of a business. Rik Conti the Co-Founder and Managing Director of MAAKE, an award-winning creative marketing agency, discusses with us the most crucial steps in what it takes to set up and create an epic brand that people will recognise and love.
We will also discuss the importance of how to align your brand alongside your personal core values to assist in designing the life of your dreams. ENJOY
Head to our Instagram @_livingyourbestlife
Head to: www.livingyourbest.com.au/letsgo
Head to: www.maake.com.au/